Windsong Appreciates EVERY ONE of our 1,000+ Friends and Followers on Social Media!
And today, we are excited to announce that we’ve reached yet another exciting milestone here at Windsong, topping 1,000 “likes” on Facebook!
With the April 15 tax deadline in the rear-view mirror, it’s the perfect time to organize the paper files in our homes to ensure easy access to our financial paperwork, as well as medical, legal and any other personal information.
Spring in the South doesn’t just bring warm weather (and pollen), it is the season when Georgia’s Farmer’s Markets debut!
Due to the growing popularity of these weekly markets, they have expanded from a handful of local suppliers in a nook in downtown to larger venues with ample parking, live music, activities for kids and much more than locally grown fruits, vegetables, eggs and honey.
Since 1992, April has been designated Stress Awareness Month in both the United States and the United Kingdom, to help individuals recognize and combat stress in order to live healthier lives.
Windsong Properties is proud to partner with Must Ministries for an April food/toiletries drive to support their food pantries in Cobb and Cherokee. Stop by any of the collection stations in our sales offices at Encore, Grace and McConnell Green to donate.
Boomer Song of Spring
Inspired by “The Lullaby of Spring,” by Donovan (1968)
Rain has showered far too long
Of mush and flood, we’re tired.
A warm, wet winter we’ve endured
Now sunshine is required.
The sun still exists, it’s been shining for the better part of a week now, and we officially welcome SPRING today (March 20, is the Spring Equinox). So it’s okay to admit it if you have the “itch...” to get outside and plant something in the courtyard garden.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), aging-in-place is defined as “the ability to live in one’s own home and community safely, independently, and comfortably, regardless of age, income or ability level.”
In 1980, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics declared March as National Nutrition Month, to enable people to re-focus on the “importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits.”
This year with all its record rainfalls
Leaves us with the question
Will we ever see the sun again?
We wish for its egression.