At the start of a new year, many folks express their desire to reduce stress, and to simplify their lives, but having more than you need – in terms of space, of possessions, etc. - actually increases stress and makes day-to-day living more complicated.
Over the past two decades, Sarah has designed homes and promoted rethinking how we live in our spaces, with her “Not So Big House” concept – and nine books on the subject. Windsong already ascribed to this idea, but has found ways in which to expand upon that idea in each Windsong home and community.
One of the greatest things about right-sizing and nearing retirement (or actually retiring!) is that you’ll finally have time to pursue all of those hobbies that have piqued your interest over the years. And January is officially National Hobby Month, so it’s the perfect time to dive right in and try some new things, or rekindle old hobbies that you didn’t have time for while working full time, raising a family, and maintaining a large home.
Have you ever made a New Year’s resolution on January 1st, only to lose momentum on your commitment by February 1st (or sooner)? The reason, according to psychological studies, is because we’re trying to make too big a change, too fast; we’re using negative reinforcement to try to achieve a goal; or we’re doing it for reasons that we don’t truly believe.
The top five reasons for moving to a community created specifically for Active Adults include:
Okay, so we’re a little tongue-in-cheek with this title, considering today, is Gingerbread House Day, but it’s true that Windsong homeowners recognize their homes as sweet opportunities to live their best lives, regardless of the date on the calendar.
Oh, there’s no place like home for the holidays
No matter how much you must get done
When you walk through the front door of your lovely place
For the holidays
You can’t beat home, sweet home!
One of the hallmarks of the Boomer generation is researching everything before making a decision. Perhaps this is in part because of the ease of finding things out – the internet literally puts the world at our fingertips! - but the popularity of consumer magazines and newspapers among this segment of the population predates online searches by several decades.
Did you enjoy Fall? Or did you blink and miss it? This crazy Georgia weather is warm one minute, arctic the next.
That’s why being at home can be so comforting throughout the year, especially when you feel your home is a reflection of you - is your sanctuary - and provides the comfort you need to enjoy every single day.
Preparing to sell this spring? Then now is the time to buy! Only 2 opportunities exist to build the Everleigh basement home at Westbrook.
Patios, covered porches, and private courtyards are among the most alluring features for Active Adults when they right-size their homes at Windsong, because these spaces provide the perfect opportunities to continue (or discover) gardening on a manageable scale.
Courtyards offer an “outdoor room,” expanding the living space to include gardening and entertaining areas that offer peace and tranquility which include flowers, herbs, vegetables, and whatever else the homeowner has in mind.