Active Adults Embrace the Music of Springtime!

Posted: April, 21, 2022 | Categories: Uncategorized

Downtown Woodstock offers plenty of live music!


If you had any doubts about the arrival of Spring in Georgia, just step outside your door: the birds are all singing, some sweet, some raucous, a wonderful cacophony of trills, whistles, and caws.

Humans, too, are erupting in song, as sidewalks and stages and rooftop bars seem to sprout singers, guitar players, even full bands or orchestras, enticing us to shake off the last vestiges of hibernation as we clap, sway, and dance to the beat.

Only 3 miles from Owenby, Downtown Woodstock is home to dozens of venues, each with their own vibe, inviting locals and visitors alike to enjoy an evening of euphonious entertainment.

MadLife Stage & Studios boasts a full agenda of entertainment on their stage. Whether you prefer classic tribute bands (Chi-Town Transit Authority, a tribute to Chicago; Departure, the Journey tribute band; even Bad Romance - a Lady Gaga tribute; or The Purple Madness a tribute to Prince); local artists, including Dueling Pianos with the Andrews Brothers; or interactive entertainment such as Comedy Night and Open Mic Nights, there’s something for everyone. MadLife welcomes some well-known artists, as well, including Shawn Mullins in April.

Music is part of the warm-weather scene in Woodstock, as several restaurants feature rooftop or patio performers, including Pure Taqueria’s rooftop entertainers, live music on the Rootstock Rooftop and in their Listening Room, and live performances on the patio at Reformation Brewery.

Woodstock’s outdoor amphitheater begins its concert season with Elton Live! (an Elton John tribute band), at the Northside Hospital-Cherokee Amphitheater, where monthly concerts draw fabulous performances and enthusiastic crowds.

Something about listening to music in the springtime just awakens the soul, prompts a smile, and unites a community. Or, as Leonard Bernstein said, “Music can name the unnameable and communicate the unknowable.”

Windsong homeowners find that their homes do the same. From the first visit, that unnameable quality they sought in a home is just there, and the comfort of living among neighbors who become friends is communicated with the first smile or wave in greeting.

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120 Colony Center Drive, Suite 300
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